Saturday, May 1, 2010

Just a little venting session...

I always write during the day when I am feeling my best. But it's the middle of the night and I feel like being quite honest. THIS SUCKS! :)

No sleep, none. I can make it about 20 minutes at a time. I can't sit or lie or stand in one position for more than just a few minutes before I am uncomfortable somewhere. I feel so much pressure everywhere, all night long. And my cervix has been SO good that they haven't hooked me up to monitors. But I KNOW I am contracting. I just don't know when it's enough to go to the hospital for monitoring.

I am happy to be coming up on 27 weeks. I think I can, I think I can...


Caz said...

You are such a star for carrying those 3 precious babies.
It's no wonder your body is proclaiming it's uncomfortableness though.
It's just turned 8am here so with it being the small hours where you are I hope you have managed to go get some rest since you blogged.
Take care.

Mary Dunbar said...

I remember those sleepless nights Ann, not fun at all. I can imagine how uncomfortable you are. Hang in there, your doing great. Do you have a recliner? The only way I could get comfortable that far along was to sleep in a recliner with pillows all around my sides and belly. =/ I will be praying for some sound sleep soon for you.

Anonymous said...

Ann - please contact your OB! Let them decide when is enough in terms of contractions - if you are having them it is time to call :) I have only carried one at a time so I cant imagine what you are dealing with. I do remember the sleepless nights and the inability to get comfy - mine are already starting again. For peace of mind I say call. Worst thing they can say is come in - Much love being sent your way!


Our life in pictures said...

Hang in there friend! Have you timed the contractions?? Maybe this week at the appt they'll take a peak. It sucks not being able to sleep...I always say it's preparing you for when the babies are here..not much comfort, but just take naps when you can, you can, you can :) Happy week 27!

Random Thoughts said...

I'm praying for you. I found you quite by accident but have been praying all the way. I will step it up! Hang in there.
