Monday, May 24, 2010

It won't be long now.

The ultrasound this morning showed the amniotic fluid was even LOWER than yesterday at 5.1. The ultrasound tech just kept repeating oh, this isn't good. Well, that didn't help my blood pressure AT ALL! It shot up to 150/90! So this low fluid is the reason I suddenly can feel and see EVERY movement in my belly. It's unreal. Luckily, our doctor happened to be on the floor right as the tech finished. He was able to come right in and had her hook it up again to take another look. He watched her scan with me and said, "OK, it's probably time to deliver these babies". Wow, what a shock! He decided to grab the probe himself and more aggressively push around and look at each baby. He found a pocket of fluid near each baby and said we should try to wait one more day and rescan. Reagan's was the lowest and he was concerned when I told him I hadn't felt her move yet this morning. But, the babies still passed their biophysical profiles today. He reminded me that each day in me saves 3 days in the NICU. So OH BOY. Tomorrow could very well be the day these kids arrive. We are tired, worried, excited and in a state of shock.


Sumer said...

OH MY!!! I will be obcessively checking your blog tomorrow to hear how the recan goes! Hang in there!! Your almost a momma!

KJ said...

It's AWESOME that you have made it this far! Try to get some rest today...the days are going to be super busy coming up!

Anonymous said...

Prayers coming your way for 3 healthy babies. Remember, doctors know best. I'll be thinking about you the next several hours/days! Best of luck!

jenicini said...

I'm hoping that IV gives them a few more days...but, you are a trooper! Either way, you've done a fantastic job!!!

ASP said...

I agree with KJ! It IS AWESOME that you've made it this far! Pat yourself on the belly, Mama! Can't wait to hear all about their arrival. Best of luck!

X.Christensen said...

Your ticker says you're 30 weeks today... is that right??? If so, HOORAY! Hang in there.. we can't wait to see pictures of the little ones. <3
