Sunday, May 30, 2010

Good with the Bad!

The nurses had some trouble finding the heartbeats today with their little monitor. Actually they found all kinds of heartbeats, but it's tough to tell who is who! SO, I now get the biophysical profile daily. I won't argue with that, who wouldn't want a daily ultrasound? So the GREAT news is that my amniotic fluid has built way up to 13!

My belly is red and hot and stretched to the max. And today I have been begging for some kind of cream to give me some relief. They gave me Benadryl cream. I dunno if that's going to help? The cord flow was a bit off on the ultrasound today, even though the babies are doing just fine. So this earned me another 24 hour urine test to watch the pre eclampsia. YUCK.

Oh well! We survived another week!!


X.Christensen said...

I'm so happy for you guys. I was really worried a couple weeks ago when this all began.

Hang in there.. those last few weeks are crazy in any pregnancy, let alone a triplet pregnancy, on bed rest, in a flippin' hospital.

BARBIE said...

31 weeks, WOW!! You are doing so amazing, I am so glad you've made it so far!! Only one more week and the outlook for those little miracles goes way up again. But I'm sure they'd be fine if they were born now anyways. You guys are so blessed. Keep 'em baking mama!! We are all praying!

Caz said...

With each day that passes and each update that brings us the news those lo's are still nice and cosy, I have more and more admiration for you.
You're so positive and inspirational to A LOT of women!
Hoorah for the number 13!

Angela said...

Just getting caught up with you! I need to check on you everyday! I totally forgot to add the "You're in Charge" part to our Expecting Triplets links! Thanks for the reminder! You are and I'm so glad that you had a nurse helping you out that way! For me it was so hard to "speak up" or to even know what I needed. Glad you're getting some zzzs!
HOpe your Mom is doing better! You girls are crazy! So glad that babies are looking good and that you've gone 16+days more! Amazing!
Now get some zzzs and speak your mind!:)

Paula Keller said...


I saw that you were also on bedrest, on Lost and Found. I think I'm in my 6th week, but luckily mine is at home. I'm 34 weeks with g/g twins. This multiple pregnancy thing is rough!

Good luck with your remaining weeks! 31 weeks is awesome for triplets!
