Thursday, May 27, 2010

still holding on

Things are going well. No babies yet. And I am actually feeling better this morning than I have in awhile. So just wait, that comment will come back to bite me later. But we are just hanging out and waiting patiently for these babies to grow and to find the next hurdle to jump over. Dr McDreamy came in for his morning cheerleading session and said he was so proud of me and how great I am doing. He is SUCH a darn cute thing to wake up to in the morning! Oh wait, my hubby was here too and THEY were a nice thing to wake up to this morning. Ha ha. :)

I get another ultrasound this morning and am looking forward to seeing what the fluid level is today. I started blood pressure meds due to the pre-eclampsia. And I started getting shots in my belly to prevent blood clots. There seems to be a new med added every day. You wouldn't believe how many pills I swallow in a day. It's ridiculous!

I still get my 20 minute wheelchair ride every day. And we usually go outside, but yesterday Peter navigated his way down to the nursery. And I stood up and stared at what seemed like HUGE babies for awhile. It was so therapeutic! I need to find my fast forward button so we can get to that point in life. I am ready!


X.Christensen said...

You'll get there.. and you definitely don't need a fast forward.

Time goes way to fast once they're out.

Tier starts kindergarten in 2011... time goes WAY too fast.

jag said...

20 minutes?! You lucky thang! I got 15 minutes! Though, my husband had too much fun running me around the parking lot and I'm pretty sure we were tardy often;)
