Saturday, May 29, 2010

ch ch ch ch changes...

Now that it's day 16 in this lovely hospital, I needed to request some changes. Along with the crappy problem of nurses in my room all night long, I had a nurse 'forget' to monitor me one day and decide 2AM was a good time to wake me up and strap me to the machine. And last night the resident pagers accidently were set to call back to my room. So I had residents dialing my room at all hours of the night. It's insane!

So, the past two days I have had a great nurse that pointed out how I can take charge of some little things and ask/or demand some of these simple changes. SO, during the night my last remaining vein blew with an IV flush. The night nurse was ready to start poking me around midnight and I asked if she could please go talk to the resident at the desk about this. I have NO IV meds currently, nor do I have fluids running for the time being. So, I was thinking we could just forget about having an IV for a few days. And GUESS WHAT? They said no problem. So I am tube free for another day or so.

I have been taking Vistaril to help me sleep at night which also seems to keep me drugged up and sleeping half of the day. I only need it because I am currently getting meds every two hours during the night. This requires lights on, blood pressure, temp, talking, and of course reminds my bladder that it's full. UGH. So I sleep for only a half an hour to an hour at a time (if that). Maybe this is prep for babies, but right now, I just need to be rested and healthy! So I spoke to the nurse about my annoying nights and she figured out a better med routine and proposed it to the docs. AND GUESS WHAT? Tonight is my first trial of NO meds from midnight to 6 AM. The nurses will not open my door unless I use my call light. And I am insanely happy about it! I am sure they are LOVING me, but I don't care. I have won some small victories and I feel like I gained some control of my life again!


ASP said...

I wish there was a "Like" button for this post! Happy sleeping!

jenicini said...

Yay for you and the fabulous nurse who let you know you could do these things! Not getting any sleep at all over such a long duration can not be a good thing at the point you are at. I hope you are sleeping away tonight!

Amanda said...

I hope you get some rest!!!

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Ann. That's the kind of strength and fortitude it takes to be the Mom of triplets, so you're on your way...not to mention common sense !! Louise

Our life in pictures said...

Glad you took charge! Funny as nurses we'd tell our patients the same thing, but we sorta forget when it's us! Yay for sleep! I know you and know you'll be a much happier, better feeling person with some zz' am I :)
