Wednesday, May 19, 2010

weighing in

On the positive side of this situation,we get lots of ultrasounds. And now we know that Baby A, our little girl Reagan Sidney Wheatley is currently on the bottom of the pile and weighs 2 pounds 9 ounces. Baby B, Thomas Anthony Wheatley II is scrunched up on my lower right side and weighs 2 pounds 5 ounces. And our chunky monkey Baby C, Tyler James Wheatley is hanging out in first class above the rest. He weighs.....are you ready for this.... 3 pounds 7 ounces!! HOLY MOLY!


Anonymous said...

Dear sweet Ann..hang in there girl, my heart goes out to you. This is why I only had one child!!! That was enough for me.. But it is well worth all that we women go through because you will be reminding the children.. "I went through _?_ hours of labor for you, that why!!" Praying for you and the kiddos. Mary in MO.

Belinda said...

Hang in there Ann! Looks like Tyler is hogging up all the food! Only a little longer until you can meet these babies. It's well worth the discomfort you have now. You will forget it the moment you lay eyes on them.

Belinda said...

PS. I know you don't feel like it but post some hospital photos too!

Kim said...

It sounds crazy, but there are days when I look back on my hospital bedrest days longingly - nothing to do all day but rest, read, watch movies? Heaven! I know it sucks now (especially when you're actively contracting), but once you have those babies in your arms, you will hardly remember how long these days were. Keeping you in our prayers! Happy 29 Weeks!!!

Eileen said...

So glad to hear that the babies are doing well. Praying that you can keep them baking for a while!

Mon said...

Good size and congrats to 29 weeks, good job you're doing with those babies ! Thinking of you. Sydney sends (Reagan) Sidney hugs, too lol ....
