Sunday, May 16, 2010


It was an uncomfortable night in the hospital for both daddy and I. BUT, we are so happy to have stayed the extra while! I started contracting every two minutes during the night again. The conclusion from the doctors is that I will contract with triplets, and night is a common time. But we are now just alert and aware and waiting to be alarmed by my pain with these contractions. Both of the past two nights I had to be woken to be told about them. And these kind of contractions don't seem to change the dilation of the cervix. Which is wonderful! They are nothing like the painful and miserable episode from Thursday night!

I am on a ton of medicine to keep things at bay. I have my cell set to alarm every two hours for pills. I am to drink 2 gallons of water a day. Can you imagine? And I am on absolute bedrest with freedom only to go to the bathroom and take a shower every day. The medicines have blurred my vision and made me extremely weak. So it is a full time job for Peter to take care of me. He is back to work this week, so we are working out the details to have a couple of friends stop over this week. And he will prepare my bedside with a cooler and all the essentials for the day.

I am happy to be in the comfort of my own home, but will miss the reassurance of the care in the hospital! We were SO happy to wake up to a wonderful, personable nurse Bev today. She was AMAZING. She had time to spend with us and give us answers and advice about everything that has happened in the past few days. She explained that we WILL be back in the hospital again soon. And I hope we see her next time too!

We also saw the chief resident this morning prior to discharge. He took some time with us and made us feel comfortable. He felt this episode of preterm labor was scary and unfortunate, but ended well. They thought we would for sure deliver these babes last Thursday night. But by a miracle of medicine and all our your prayers and support, things stopped in time!!!!! We happened to be in the right spot at the right time!! We went in for some IV fluids only. Who would have imagined what was in store for us once we arrived! But, our situation is not looking bad now. The babies look perfectly healthy and I am on all of the medicines I can be on to keep this under control for now. He talked a lot about the challenges of a pregnancy with triplets. There are specific guidelines for contractions with one baby, and double that for twins. But with a belly FULL of triplets, it is rare enough that the medicine world still isn't sure what to expect. So we need to be flexible to head back and forth to the hospital whenever needed in the next weeks until these babies arrive.

My cervix is a bit confusing as it is a funnel with a 3 cm outer edge but he feels it is only 1 cm where it counts. Which is GREAT NEWS!!!! Not one of the other residents that checked me all weekend had mentioned this. So we were happily surprised! I am 60% effaced and this is not bad for this stage of our pregnancy. We just felt wonderful hearing a positive spin on things today.

So for the CRAZY news... We were implanted with three embryos knowing the chance of it resulting in a triplet pregnancy was less than one percent. You can imagine that we were quite shocked to find three babies in there! And we also knew we had three babies with three separate sacs and placentas. So we were told all three embryos had taken and we had fraternal triplets. They could look totally different and be very different kiddos. And now TODAY, this guy tells us that this would be SO RARE. And he feels our boys are likely identical and the embryo split early enough to each develop their own placentas. WOW WOW WOW! We are shocked. He said there is no way of knowing right now. But what a thought! Very shocking! We could have identical twins in here! Ha.

OK - so we survived. I have cried more tears of fear and worry than I ever imagined this weekend would bring. I came home and let it ALL OUT! All I know is that I am madly in love with our little family and these amazing babies growing and thriving inside of me. I don't know what we would do without them. And I am so happy that we have bought them more time to grow and get stronger! For a funny side note, Peter and I hugged at the end of the long day last night. And my heart started racing and set off alarms all over the unit. Oh my. We are blessed and in for a wild ride!!!


jenicini said...

What a wonderful post! I'm so glad that they are still safely tucked in for a little more growth time. That's so neat that you got a different perspective on the fact that they might be identical! Whoo! I love that you set off the alarms with a hug. :)

Shonya said...

Thanks for the wonderful updates so we can pray accordingly. Praising God today for His goodness!!

Our life in pictures said...

Glad you're feeling better. I'll plan to talk to you this week :)

Angela said...

I'm so happy that things have settled down for you and that you can cook these babies longer! I'm glad that even in the craziness you're blogging/journaling. It will be amazing for your kiddos to read one day. Have a blessed peaceful restful night! You deserve it!

Mary Dunbar said...

How scary Ann. I am so glad things turned out ok in the end. You have done great thus far and everything is going to be fine. Of course the longer the better, but whenever they come it will be ok. A triplet pregnancy is insanely hard on a womens body, most people will never understand. You hang in there, you will get to meet those sweet babies soon enough!!! I loved that you set the monitors off when hugging the hubs. SO cute!!!! Still praying. =)

Anonymous said...

You are all in our prayers. We will keep them coming until you safely delivery 3 bouncing baby boys! Stay cooking! Ann Feser and family
