Friday, May 21, 2010

just chillin

There's not too much to report. And that is a GOOD THING! I had a good day yesterday. The only real hiccups were that my blood pressure decided to spike up for a bit. And during the afternoon I had my daily ultrasound where the babies passed their biophysical profile with flying colors as usual. But the ultrasound tech asked me if my blood pressure was high. I said yes but asked why she would think that!? And, I guess Reagan's cord blood flow had a high velocity. Which sounds BAD to me! So I freaked out on my own for awhile hoping to talk to the doctor and find out the scoop! But, none of my doctors came to see me! Not one! I had my usual residents pop their head in the door earlier in the morning to check on me. But I have learned that if you are doing BAD, you see 20 residents a day. And if you are doing fine and just chilling in the high risk department, they don't give a poop about you. So I will just be thankful and happy for these days without visits!

My mother in law was here to hang out with me so Peter could get to work and get a few things done in Sarasota. It made the day fly by quickly! The food is all room service here from a large menu (which is nice!) But, she went and got me an amazing salad from the cafe down the street. I don't know if it was the best salad on the planet earth, but it sure seemed like it to me!! And then my mom flew in from England last night! I am very happy that she is here and will be able to help me so Peter can get some work done and relax a bit. He is a wonderful hubby and will be an amazing daddy. And although my mom will be here. I know he will be here every day after work too. It is getting increasingly hard for me to get up at all to try waddle to the bathroom. And nothing seems to be within arms reach. So mom can be my gopher for a couple of weeks and help keep these babies inside.

We are excited to realize that we made it an entire SEVEN whole days since we first thought we were delivering these munchkins! One whole week!?! Which means a saved 21 days in the NICU according to the rule of one day in me = 3 less NICU days. WOO HOO!!

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