Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Noboday knows the trouble I've seen...

It's probably SO much more enjoyable to look at cute little baby pictures! But, it's time for me to tell you all what's going on around here. Which is NOT MUCH! I am SO bored! I am confined to my bedroom now. I am miserable. The belly hurts. It contracts often. My back is killing me. My legs ache. My belly button feels like it is going to split open. I am very short of breath. I can't sleep. I am hungry often but feel sick after a few bites of food. I am still coughing after being sick over a month ago. BUT, we are at 28 weeks and two days. I am still in the comfort (or discomfort) of my own home! And the babies seem to be kicking away and growing stronger every day!

I would like to tell you all how wonderful each moment is, feeling my babies move and lounging around in my jammies all day. But, it's not all that tolerable anymore. I finally put up a countdown calendar today to at least get us to 32 weeks. It feels a little better to see it in writing!!!!

Say a prayer or two for healthy babies and our sanity. Thanks for putting up with my whines! We are still hanging in here!!


Mary Dunbar said...

Ann you are completely entitiled to a bit of griping, especailly when your so sweet about it. ;0) I cant say it enough, your doing so great! You babies a viable and getting stronger and stronger yay!!! Next goal, 30 weeks!!! YOU CAN DO IT!

Our life in pictures said...

I can't imagine how uncomfortable you are, but you're doing good! Pop in Nine Months movie and get yourself some laughs....

Anonymous said...

You are doing an AMAZING job if you are still at home at 28 weeks. I was in the hospital on bedrest at 27 weeks and delivered at 32 weeks and 6 days, twin boys. Take it from me, ENJOY your time in bed. The one bit of advice I wish I would have taken seriously. You never realize how much you'll miss it until it's gone. Best wishes to you and your babies. Here's to healthy and happy babies!

Anonymous said...

My pregnancy was similarly miserable, and I only have twins.

I got sick towards the end and after many, many doctor appointments they finally told me I wasn't going to get better unless I got some sleep. My peri prescribed me ambien. She had offered it multiple times by then, but I finally took it. It was a lifesaver! I got sleep and I felt so much better!
