Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Looking UP!

The doctor is my HERO today! Life just got a lot better! I am now able to eat, they took the catheter out and I got to shower! THAT IS HUGE!! I am a whole new woman. Things are looking good today, so I get a few privileges. It seems the contractions come on more ferociously at night. So we will just play around with bedrest vs being able to get up to shower for a few minutes. I was reassured that this doesn't mean I will be going anywhere. I am definitely here in the hospital on bedrest for the duration. We are just praying that I can stay positive and 'the duration' lasts WEEKS not days until delivery. The babies are doing great and need a little more time on the inside!

At this point we will know when to take them out by monitoring dilation and my health as well as any signs of distress from the babies. Or, if my water breaks we go to surgery right away. So I am working on keeping the contractions to a minimum and hanging in here with good spirits!!

Thanks everyone for following along with our journey!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ann, I'm here in FMB and of course you are on my mind. Can't believe J and J are not here to chat with . Bummer. Stay well ...sending sweet angels your way. Louise

ASP said...

Hi Ann,

Sending lots of prayers and good vibes your way! Keep those babies cookin' for a little while longer! ;)


BARBIE said...

Wow, so much can change in an instant. I will continue to pray for your whole clan and send as many positive thoughts your way as I can muster. Let me know if you need anything, I can always swing by the hospital. You're gonna make it- 30 weeks or bust!!

Angela said...

so glad that you get to eat and shower! Hang in there! HUGS!

X.Christensen said...

So happy things are so positive!

Love you guys!
