Wednesday, May 19, 2010

not so happy

It has been a LONG couple of days. I am very drugged up, so bear with me! I felt contractions every ten minutes of the day on Monday and finally noticed them getting stronger and producing more pressure in the evening. I called the doctor who quickly reviewed who I was, asked that we get in the car and do not eat anything before reaching the hospital. Once we arrived and I was immediately placed on the monitors, I was very justified as the contractions were marching away on the screen again. I was dilated slightly more than when I left. But this all earned me a 'welcome to the baby place' comment as we were immediately sent to our new hospital room. I heard the nurses discussing the most comfy room and view as I will be here for the duration!

I immediately was given a catheter, an IV and started on the Mag drip from hell. This time it was different. Each contraction took my breath away and made me shiver and cry. Peter decided maybe we should have taken lamaze or something. Who ever knew we would have needed it? Anyway, I started saying lots of naughty words at some point and finally we realized that noone was paying attention to our small little hell in room ten!! The nurse came in and realized how much pain I was in and called in the doctor. I was told we were once again maxed out with drugs (tocolytics) and we would just be waiting to make sure my water didn't break, but there was noting more to do to stop the process. I got a hefty dose of Vistaril and Morphine which knocked me down and seemed to really slow the contractions too! We survived that first night back, but there are no smiles left on these faces!!!!

We are now at hour 37 and I am still in pain, still contracting and not able to eat anything. It SUCKS!


Mary Dunbar said...

Oh man, this does not sound fun at all. =( Take one day/hour at a time, really all you can do. The babies are at great weights!!! I went 35 weeks and my littlest was 3.11, almost the same size as baby Tyler. He didnt need anything but some heat and was home in 7days!! Hope that gives you some encouragement and hope. Thanks for the update.

Anonymous said...

Yes being in the hospital is the worse, BUT it is the best place for you to be right now. The hardest part for me was when I realized that the next time I was sleeping in my own bed, I would no longer be pregnant. But I can promise you that you will look back and dream of being back in that hospital some days :) I do! All I can say is accept visitors openly. That is the one thing that got me through my days. If you lived in St. Louis, I'd be there weekly visiting! Look at it as a chance to make new friends. I made some great friends, nurses, that I am still friends with today. If your not on Facebook yet, JOIN! That kept me linked to what was going on with the outside world. Best wishes to you and your new family. EVERYTHING always works out in the end and for the best. My thoughts are with you!
