Thursday, April 15, 2010


Can I just say that I am MISERABLE! In every way. Just thought I would let you know.


jenicini said...

I'm sorry that you are miserable! I had another morning sickness attack yesterday followed with a migraine. Being pregnant is not always fun! I can only imagine with three!

Josh & Jessica said...

I'm so sorry. I know you won't believe it now but all those pains and misery will be obsolete with those sweet babies in your arms. It will all go too quickly. Keep your head up!

Our life in pictures said...

I can only imagine...I was miserable at the end and that's about where you probably measure up to...hang in there...they have to get bigger then it will all be over! I missed you today :)

X.Christensen said...

In the words of Tiergan, "bummmmmer." Do your ribs feel like they're about to explode?

Mon said...

Just hang in there... the best answer to misery is a humour !
