Monday, January 11, 2010


I have whined about worries for weeks now. Imagine my worry now. It keeps me awake at night. During the day my attitude is positive. I am excited and calm. But, once I wake up for my 2 AM pee. I am up. I worry if they are all thriving, will they all make it, will they all be healthy, will we be organized enough, will I be able to keep the babies in me long enough, will we have help, will my blood presure stay down, will I have gestational diabetes, will that big triple stroller fit in the back of our Murano, am I a bad mom for shoving three babies in the back seat of a murano, will that cat leave the babies alone, will Peter and I have time to pay attention to each other, will I be on bedrest early, will I make it long enough to decorate the room myself or will Pete have to do it on his own, how will that treadmill fit in our garage? LOL Yep, in case you are wondering - this is my life. But all in all, I have an extremely calm attitude and know that with a little breathing and a lot of prayer, our lives will be wonderful. We will have the beautiful family we have dreamed of for so long. And we really can't wait for it all to be here.

1 comment:

Our life in pictures said...

Worrying is going cause you all these problems you're worrying about silly!
