Thursday, January 14, 2010

bye bye for now

I think I am going to take a little blog break for awhile. I LOVE having a place to vent and share my thoughts with the world. But I am growing very tired and defeated from feeling negative vibes about our triplets. It is a very exciting and special time in my life. I have enjoyed the good feedback - but have heard my fair share of negativity. So - take care and stay tuned for more info in the future. It's time for a break.


Sumer said...

I am so sorry you are hearing negative feedback! I hate to see you go as I look forward to your updates, but I understand. Email me anytime you want to talk!! My email is inmy profile. Hugs! Sumer

Sumer said...

You could make your blog private so it is by invite only... this way you can cut out the negativity and keep the positive source of venting, encouragement etc. Just trying to come up with options for you as you will be missed!!!

Caz said...

This is such a shame. How awful of those to spread their negativity.
I will miss your updates. Please take care and hurry back!
Carolyne xx

jenicini said...

Well let me say that mean people suck. I am so every happy for you, P, and your babies. How you decide to raise your babies and the ups and downs you go through will only be natural. Enjoy your time off but please come back. I'll miss you!

ASP said...

Please update how you're doing though! People can be such jerks sometimes.
