Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Make sure you all vote on the left for your guess of the genders! It looks like boys rule, girls drool at this point. :) I made my appointment with the cardiologist next Tuesday just to make sure a previously diagnosed bundle branch block is either nonexistent or not going to be a problem. We have to do this in Tampa just so we have an established doc if any heart related problems arise in the hospital at some point. I was blown away to see that a giggle or cough from me causes these babes to throw their arms in the air and bounce around. So all day today I have been thinking about them being startled by my every move. How weird!! It's one thing to see a baby startle - but it's hilarious to see 6 arms a legs bounce around with my laugh. Oh my. I wish we had a video to show you. And if you know me personally, you know I can laugh and of course I couldn't stop giggling during the ultrasound. It was just amazing and fun for all of us in that room!


jenicini said...

Throw your hands up in the you just don't care! Whoo! It's like riding a roller coaster and seeing all the hands up! :) Love it!

Anonymous said...

Is it too late to add another baby guess option? My gut says you're having 2 of one, 1 of the other, but I am not sure on gender! :@)
