Monday, June 7, 2010

time keeps on ticking...

This game is getting OLD, fast. Today we spent the day on the monitor. Or should I say monitor(s). Some nurses freak out about the amount of contractions I have, and some don't give a hoot. It was a freak out day. And the doctor got involved and ordered continuous heart and toco monitors for each baby. Which meant an ultrasound machine to locate the babies, magic marker on my belly to mark each kiddo, and 5 straps around my gut. It sucked! I missed my opportunity to eat lunch, my back is so sore, and they still didn't take out these babies! Oh, and a nurse checked my cervix and immediately ran into Reagan's head. She is WAY DOWN and ready to be out. And I am ready for her to be out! So BRING IT!


Unknown said...

I can't believe you are still pregnant!!! How amazing!! My 2 were 6 weeks early and were in the NICU for only a week. You might end up with take home triplets! Lucky you!!

Louise said...

Gosh Ann, I can actually "hear" the strain in your voice. This prgnancy is getting old ! Right !!! I thank God that you have had such good care. Sending everything your, light,,angels, and many prayers as ALL your blog readers welcome the little Wheatleys into the world. You and Peter will be fantastic parents. Louise XXXOOO

Cindy said...

Bless your heart! I'm sending you lots of good thoughts and prayers! (((hugs)))

jill said...

Wishing you lots of luck and a safe, healthy delivery! :)

Angela said...

Ohhhh I feel your pain! I know how you feel right now! I know you're sooo ready. But believe it or not...someday you'll look back and say couldn't I have waited one more day? or What's one more week? Hang in there! D day is really just days away. Try to set a new goal for yourself even if it seems crazy! You can do this! I'm here in WA cheering you on!

jag said...

WOW! I've seen pics of the monitors all over the belly, but never had to endure it myself. You need to post a pic of that!

Hang in there!

What's the plan, to take them out at 34 weeks?

Mon said...

Tomorrow, perhaps ? Any day now may be the day !

May said...

The end of any pregnancy is hard. I know you are in a hospital but remember to take care of your precious self. Your own precious human body.
I will be holding you in the light.

BARBIE said...

I just had to chime in and say I am truly in awe of you and your patience with this whole process. I spent a very minimal amount of time in the hospital compared to you and I about lost it every single day. The staff drew straws to see who had to deal with me each day! I am so impressed that you've been able to stay sane for so long.

Also, I wanted to pass on this advice- a week or two seems like an eternity when you spend all day lying in bed hooked up to 5 stupid monitors and being poked and prodded by people all day long but in the grand scheme of things it's NOTHING. If it is safe for you and your babies to do so then hang in there as long as you can. My babies were born at 32 weeks, and while they were very healthy there was a set of triplets across the aisle in the NICU that were born at 34 weeks 3 days. They were HUGE compared to my babies. None of them had any tubes, or lines, and only a couple little leads that were required in the NICU. They were the biggest healthiest looking babies in the whole place- and they were only there for 5 days. That's right, 5 days and they went home. Every time I looked at them and then looked at my tiny little babies in their isolettes all hooked up to ventilators to help them breathe and IV's to feed them, etc etc... I felt so guilty that I couldn't have done more to make it another week or two.

That being said, if they were born right now I'm sure they'd be big healthy babies anyways so just do what's best for ALL of you :) I'm praying for you guys.
