Thursday, June 3, 2010


It's been a rough couple of days. After the echo the other day I contracted through the night and by yesterday morning they had decided to start an IV, make me NPO so I had an empty stomach and put me on continuous monitoring. I contracted MAJORLY all day and we were sure we were headed for a C Section last night! But, as before they were able to get things under a bit more control.

I was able to eat breakfast this morning and although I am contracting, it's much better. Unfortunately, the increase in Indocin back to the higher dose is what seemed to do the trick. And the babies have their own cardiologist who told us we couldn't take that much Indocin due to the risk of closing the ductus in their hearts. SO...we will try to taper off that med by Saturday and keep things under control.

It will only be a matter of time before these babies decide to make their grand arrival. In the mean time, we continue to do this exhausting balancing act! I am waiting for an ultrasound this morning as the Indocin is also the cause of the low amniotic fluid level we had last week. I'll keep you posted!


Anonymous said...

Mybe you were telling folks your due date is june 6th for a reason ??? XXXOOO Louise

Anonymous said...

stopping in from LFCA. i have 8 month old twins that were born at 34 weeks. i only made it one night in the hosptial before my emergent c/s. i know it's totally scary. my boy had a questionable heart condition as we had all sorts of consults from fetal specialists. isn't it strange you can have specialist docs for your kids while they're still in utero??

you're doing a great job. i'll be checking in. can't wait to hear how things are progressing!

hang in there.
