Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mommy Heaven!

I got to hold Reagan today when I delivered her some milk in the wee hours of the morning. It was AMAZING!


E. Merritt said...

There is something special about the quiet hours of the wee morning. I had some of my best bonding moments at these times. Enjoy!

Melissa said...

Yeah for you. It is great to hold your babies. I remember when I went to the NICU to hold my son for the first time. His twin sister didn't have to go, but it is a special time. What were their weights and heights?

ASP said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I am still so amazed at how long you carried them for! Yay! They're all so adorable--you are so incredibly blessed!

P.S.-Your hair looks extra dark in this pic compared to the one of you on the blog. Did you dye it in the hospital while you were waiting for the bebes to make their appearances?! ;)

AussieJenn said...

Congratulations on the safe arrival of your 3 beautiful babies. May they thrive and be home with you very soon, for endless cuddles with their mum and dad.

Angela said...

Yay! Congratulations, Mommy! So amazing! Your babies look great! Can't wait to hear more details! Yay!!!!!!
