Thursday, June 3, 2010

Amniotic Fluid update

The ultrasound showed that the amniotic fluid is down to 5.2 (which is VERY low). I am not surprised as I was not able to drink yesterday and they upped my dose of Indocin which causes low amniotic fluid. SO, I am totally off Indocin which WILL cause contractions as it leaves my system. But, it's everyone's opinion here that this is okay and it's time to have these babies anyway. So we shall hurry up and wait to get this show BACK on the road!


Kimberly said...

i've been checking in on you from the multiples and more sight, since we're both expecting multiples. so sorry for all the discomfort you are experiencing. it seems like you're really close to having babies, though. 31+ weeks should give your babies an amazing start though!

jag said...

Hmm... This is sounding VERY familiar! Do you have the flushed face?? I didn't notice that anything was different, but those nurses are amazing and they said, "any day now." They were right! You've done fantastic! Maybe you can sneak out a few more days!

Melissa said...

Dropped in from Multiples and More site. I spent 6 weeks on bedrest wtih my twins born at 36 weeks. I thought I was big, can't imagine triplets. Good luck.
