Tuesday, June 1, 2010

More updates...

I had NO idea that I was scheduled for an echo again today for the babies. So they surprisingly showed up in my room after lunch and wheeled me over to the outpatient cardiology building again for a two and a half hour check on their tickers. All three look good! Every ultrasound of the babies results in a fight to capture Reagan sitting still. But, today was ridiculous. It's not even funny anymore, she is a wild woman! The techs get SO frustrated chasing her around my uterus. I have a feeling this fiesty girl could give us a run for our money someday. I got way behind on my meds and am contracting like a mad woman. So hopefully that settles down soon.

The 24 hour urine came back with less protein spilling than before. So that's great news! And I actually felt like crap this morning because my blood pressure was TOO low after the Labetolol. Which is better than it being too high at this point!

For those of you following my mom's situation. She went to the urologist in Fort Myers today and has a 9 mm kidney stone that needs to come out! So she will be cancelling her plane ticket back to England on Thursday for medical reasons. She needs to have a follow up ultrasound this week and will do that up here somewhere. And then if it hasn't passed on it's own, that darn thing will need to be removed next week one way or another. So, I guess mom will be here awhile longer!


jag said...

Girl! Same thing happened to me with those dern echos. But, such a blessing to have that technology right next door! After a bad bout off contractions post-echo, we started stashing my next dose of meds in my pocket for these outings just in case it took longer than anticipated. And, The cardio office is good for a big ole glass of water with a straw while you lay there. See if that helps. Indoncine and procardia (spelling?) were my miracle drugs!

Belinda said...

So just curious but what happens if the babies are doing well and you make it past 32 weeks? They will let you go beyond 32 weeks right?

jag said...

I also wanted to tell you about a listing I spotted on craigslist. It's for a triple decker stroller. These look amazing and collapse to practically nothing! Plus, they hold the car seats and later have toddler chairs that attach. WISH they had one for quads when mine were little. Ours just has the static seats and it does not collapse nearly as much.
Here's the company link: http://www.doubledeckerstroller.com/index.shtml

And here's the craigslist listing:

Josh and Nancy said...

Popped over from Multiples and More.....I'll tell you that your ideas about your little girl are probably right. My twin girl was a mover and shaker in utero. Always moving from transverse to head down and back again! Rolling over under my rib cage and then the other way. Now at 2 she CAN'T sit still and is a little pistol. Just like I thought she would be when I was pregnant! You're dong great job. Hang in there!
