Saturday, June 5, 2010

Still cooking...

We had LOT of drama last night again. Cramping, contracting, monitoring, drugs - BUT NO BABIES YET. Such is our life these days. But interestingly enough, our ultrasound today revealed that the babies all moved! Reagan is still head down and now so low the the ultrasond tech has a hard time seeing the top of her head! And now Thomas has flipped from being breech, to being head down on the other side. And Tyler was transverse on the top bunk and has now slid down on the right side. HOW WEIRD!

I am ordered to just lay here still and gestate. So, that is what I shall do. I have a strong reaction to Vistaril and took one last night. So I will go back to sleep after lunch and should be able to sleep all day. YAWN.

1 comment:

jenicini said...

Glad they are still cooking in there! :) Take care of yourself!!!
