Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Grandma is here!

Mom made it here from the UK. She brought tons of baby clothes and some adorable giraffes and bears for the babies from Harrods!! We got started with our registries yesterday. So I am officially registered at Target and we will head to Babies R Us today to tackle that. I was totally exhausted after the Target run, and I was even sitting in a wheelchair the whole time! I am just so glad to have my mom here to help out.

It was an expensive day. Our power had been out most of Monday. I guess a small animal had been zapped in the transformer and the surge blew out all of our neighborhood AND our fairly new bedroom flat screen. I have a terrible habit of sleeping with the TV on. And after an entire night without sleep, my wonderful hubby purchased the replacement before we went to bed last night! Sad, I know. AND, our much anticipated fridge arrived yesterday. The side by side was in desperate need of repacement. So we bought a french door stainless fridge with PLENTY of room for bottles!! I love it. And again I was glad my mom was here to work her magic cleaning up the old one once we moved it to the garage, and loading all of the food back into the new one.

Our county has a program that helps new moms with education and nutrition etc. I received a call from a nice woman yesterday that went through all the 'scoop' with me. We qualify for a ton of programs just because we are having triplets. So I am now signed up for free baby care and CPR. Daddy has never even changed a diaper, so we planned to do this at the hospital. But it is FREE through the county vs the 50 dollars a class at the hospital. And I will now have a nutritionist that meets with me in our home. And our babies qualify for more things once they arrive, we will learn more about that soon. So - it was a great phone call. And I have no shame in accepting some help!

This week is a busy one, and I am really looking forward to the weekend at the beach. It isn't going to be 'jump in the Gulf of Mexico' warm. But it will be near70. That is perfect sit on the lanai and stare at the ocean weather. And next week it is supposed to finally be mid to high 70's and we are looking forward to the warm up!!

1 comment:

jenicini said...

Lovely! How great is it to have mom here with you! Don't wear yourself out too much and enjoy your weekend at the beach. The beach is one of my favorite places to relax. :)
