Monday, March 22, 2010

Baby Showers!

I have always felt like I was the last woman I knew to be getting pregnant. Most of my childhood friends are not only mommies, but have kids in junior high or some even in high school! And my brother's kids are already soon to be 10 and 12. Sigh... But suddenly I am surrounded by pregnant people! It's amazing. I have a sister in law and 3 friends all due to have babies within a month of each other. Very fun!

So yesterday we tackled some registry lists at Target and Babies R Us. Oh my. I didn't know the buying end of it would be such a pain! Online you can see pictures and get a clue of what you would want to buy. But in the store (especially BB R Us) you just get this overwhelming printout of items by name, no pictures and no prices!! It was a nightmare trying to do several lists. So we finally figured out to stick with one registry at a time. I had a fun time picking things out for myself with my mom, but hope it won't be as painful for people to understand my list as it was for us to look at everyone else's!

And let's talk maternity clothes. Ugh. After the struggles we went through to get pregnant, and the fact that we are having THREE babies at once, this is very, very likely my only pregnancy. I don't leave the house often and didn't think I needed much for maternity clothes. BUT, at this point I am HUGE. And NOTHING fits. I have some great pj's that ride very low and are my favorite thing to wear. (thanks to Old Navy!) But the expensive maternity jeans already are too tight. That nice comfy, stretchy band is now a suffocating, tight pain in the belly! And I have 4 showers to attend, so I need to figure out what to wear!! I got a really cute dress that is perfect for church, but a little dressy for baby showers except maybe my own. And I ordered a couple online that just look like giant sacks, so they are going back to the store. I don't want to spend a bunch of money as I will only wear things for a tiny bit longer. So, I tried on every dress I could find in Target today and although they fit now, they WON'T by next month when I need them. I don't know what to do. Maybe I can just wear my jammies. :)

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