Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I saw Dr Pabon again today for another round of bloodwork and an ultrasound. He is telling me that any sane doctor would have triggered me yesterday and done the retrieval on Wednesday. BUT, he knows me and knows that he wants as many mature eggs from the left ovary as possible to avoid going through my uterus if possible. He planned to trigger me tonight. BUT...he is playing with fire and letting me go yet another day!! So, I will be back for a check first thing in the morning again and we will plan for a Friday surgery. I am expecting a MAJOR amount of bloating and we are all praying that I don't hyperstimulate! The hormone levels are great and the follies are a growing. I am done working for the week as my boss is headed to California. Perfect timing!! My feet are up and I am vegged out on the couch. Life is good.

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