Monday, November 30, 2009
12dp5dt Beta = 638
Yay - all is going well and that's a very healthy hcg! I am 17dpo on an average chart. So, as you can see we are higher than normal!!
I have another beta hcg next Monday and an ultrasound on 12/14/09. If all is well I have a last ultrasound on 01/04/10 and then I graduate and move on to my OBGYN!
I know we spent what seems like a bizillion dollars and lots of time and emotions going to one of the best RE's in the country. But it still seems like a shock to be pregnant. And doing REALLY well!!
Friday, November 27, 2009
I went out and braved the crowds at the outlet mall this morning. It was in the forties!! Wait, don't we live in Florida? Brrrr. My hubby is golfing tomorrow morning. YIKES! I had better pack a good jacket and warm socks.
It's a very good thing that I don't know if my SIL is having a boy or a girl yet. All the clothes at Carter's were 60% off. But it was not very gender neutral. I could have bought a car load of cute baby clothes. I guess it was just so much fun to look!
We had a fun Thanksgiving day setting up our Christmas tree(s) and steaks on the grill with Peter's parents. And today I am eating leftovers, doing laundry and will soon be gassing up the car for a road trip to the other coast for our REAL Thanksgiving with Pete's family tomorrow.
I have never felt such an amazing amount of happiness and gratitude at Thanksgiving. We have so much to celebrate this year!!
Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family.
~Anthony Brandt
It's a very good thing that I don't know if my SIL is having a boy or a girl yet. All the clothes at Carter's were 60% off. But it was not very gender neutral. I could have bought a car load of cute baby clothes. I guess it was just so much fun to look!
We had a fun Thanksgiving day setting up our Christmas tree(s) and steaks on the grill with Peter's parents. And today I am eating leftovers, doing laundry and will soon be gassing up the car for a road trip to the other coast for our REAL Thanksgiving with Pete's family tomorrow.
I have never felt such an amazing amount of happiness and gratitude at Thanksgiving. We have so much to celebrate this year!!
Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family.
~Anthony Brandt
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Yay some more.
I know I am good and pregnant, but I did one more HPT tonight. And really the timing was awful, I had just downed a bottle of water and it should have been diluted. BUT, the test line was SO DARK it matched the control line!! It was as positive as you can possibly get.
What a difference a day makes!! Wow, that makes me feel good. I pray that it just keeps going strong. Hang on baby! We would love to meet you next summer!
We give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.
~Author Unknown
What a difference a day makes!! Wow, that makes me feel good. I pray that it just keeps going strong. Hang on baby! We would love to meet you next summer!
We give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.
~Author Unknown
We truly have a LOT to be thankful for this year. I started peeing on sticks early this week and knew I was pregnant right away with some faint lines. And they were more pronounced each morning! So, I called Dr Pabon yesterday and he had me come in this morning for an early beta hcg!
I just got off the phone with the doctor and I am DEFINITELY pregnant!!!!! YAY! My last cycle's initial beta was VERY low but this is on the higher side for this early in the game. It was 60! So we are very excited. I will go back for another beta on Monday.
What a miracle!!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
I did it.
It was our 'take it easy' date night so we went to Crackerbarrel for some good home cookin! And then to(my oh so favorite) Target. I slowly wandered and indulged in some baby gift shopping. And we bought a load of pregnancy tests. I can't wait to start peeing on them!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Clarification of our three little piggies!
I've had some emails asking why we want triplets. And I definitely need to clarify that!!
We put in two embryos last time and did not have any babies as a result. That was all we had to work with during that cycle. So it made the choice very easy! It was devastating after all of the time, emotions and money spent to end up with nothing but a broken heart!
This cycle we had three very healthy embryos to choose from in the group of six...and so we put in three embryos this time to increase our chance of having one baby. This is the reason for the lengthy discussion and final decision with the doctor(that knows my body),and the embryologist(that knows our little embryos). So, yes there is a chance of all three burrowing into my uterus and growing. But it's a low chance. And now we have a good chance of getting pregnant with at least one baby instead of none!
So - no prayers for triplets please. We are just praying for a baby to bless our lives!!
Frosties = frozen embryos (Two of the three remaining embryos that were not implanted have developed a little further along and survived until yesterday. We were happy to hear that they were frozen for possible use in the future if our fresh cycle is another failure - or if we want another child someday.)
We put in two embryos last time and did not have any babies as a result. That was all we had to work with during that cycle. So it made the choice very easy! It was devastating after all of the time, emotions and money spent to end up with nothing but a broken heart!
This cycle we had three very healthy embryos to choose from in the group of six...and so we put in three embryos this time to increase our chance of having one baby. This is the reason for the lengthy discussion and final decision with the doctor(that knows my body),and the embryologist(that knows our little embryos). So, yes there is a chance of all three burrowing into my uterus and growing. But it's a low chance. And now we have a good chance of getting pregnant with at least one baby instead of none!
So - no prayers for triplets please. We are just praying for a baby to bless our lives!!
Frosties = frozen embryos (Two of the three remaining embryos that were not implanted have developed a little further along and survived until yesterday. We were happy to hear that they were frozen for possible use in the future if our fresh cycle is another failure - or if we want another child someday.)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
just chilling
We are now the proud parents of 2 frosties! Or grandsicles as my dad likes to refer to them. Twas a very long boring day in bed. But, I am definitely feeling relaxed and comfy from an entire day in my jammies. I only have a few hours of work tomorrow and then we will spend a couple more days resting at home this weekend.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Aren't they adorable? These three embryos are in me now!! We have 3 more that will be frozen if they survive the next day or so, and one that arrested. We are OVER THE MOON with excitement!! Dr Pabon is pretty convinced that we will be pregnant from this transfer. There is a 15% chance of triplets and more likely a chance of twins or a singleton as two of the embryos were grade A and one was grade B. Three embryos in a 33 year old is pretty aggressive and two would have been the conservative approach. But the doctor and the embryologist and Peter and I all discussed the options at length and felt this was a good choice after not getting pregnant with the last attempt.
So - I am on bedrest and staying quiet today and tomorrow. I am going to be taking it very easy for a couple of weeks and the pregnancy test will be the Monday after Turkey day.
Keep us in your prayers!!
Transfer day
Today is the BIG day! I wonder how many little embies are still going strong? I am really looking forward to lying in bed for a couple of days - relaxing and dreaming of our future.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The seven dwarfs
I still can't believe I have seven little embies growing in that lab! I was more prepared for everything this time, but I was also filled with a lot more doubt during this cycle. It was a shock to have some success! I had a ton of support for the first cycle. And although people are still happy for us they seem very distant and less interested for the past couple of weeks. I don't mean my blog friends and commenters, you guys are wonderful. But it seems some of our friends and family feel we rushed into this cycle too quickly. What noone understands is that my hormones are never in check, and this time I was right where I needed to be. We let the doctor encourage the back to back cycles and it was actually the perfect time to try again. Everything has been better, the hormone #'s, the follicles, the uterine lining, the anesthesia, the doctor's familiarity with my wacky ovary's all good.
Now it's time to eat right, rest and stay positive and not worry about anyone but us. I have done ALL that I can do. I just hope and pray that this is meant to be!
Possible names?
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Dr Pabon just called. ALL SEVEN FERTILIZED!! He even said 'yay'! So - we will do a 5 day transfer on Wednesday afternoon. I can't believe it. What a miracle. Grow embies grow!
trying to be a patient patient
It is 4:00 in the morning amd I am wide awake. Maybe it was all of my napping yesterday? Oh well. I was given much lighter anesthesia yesterday. I was twitching all over with the first egg retrieval surgery, so they chose to keep it lighter for the second round. The last thing I remember is Doctor Pabon telling me that I may wake up during the procedure or remember them talking, and he told me 'don't be scared'. Yeah right! I was scared to death for the next 20 seconds before I drifted off and didn't know anything was happening until it was over. I guess it was better for all of us. :)
I am SO hopeful and nervous to hear the fertilization report today! They said I should hear from Dr Pabon around noonish. I am praying for some great embies and would love a couple of frosties for future use. But that is a LOT to ask of 7 little eggs. So, we shall find our patience and say our prayers again.
I am SO hopeful and nervous to hear the fertilization report today! They said I should hear from Dr Pabon around noonish. I am praying for some great embies and would love a couple of frosties for future use. But that is a LOT to ask of 7 little eggs. So, we shall find our patience and say our prayers again.
Friday, November 13, 2009
I am home! We got SEVEN this time! Which is an absolute miracle for me. We are so happy! And now I am going to go pass out. More later.
This is it!
Today is the day. I am up EARLY and unable to relax enough to get back to sleep. So, I am catching up on our laundry, dishes, and cleaning the floors. Do you think my sleeping hubby would mind if I threw on the lights and vaccuumed our bedroom? Ha - I am not that mean.
We leave the house at 9am and it's only 6am. That's THREE hours of non-eating and non-drinking nervousness. I wish I could take that valium NOW.
We leave the house at 9am and it's only 6am. That's THREE hours of non-eating and non-drinking nervousness. I wish I could take that valium NOW.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I am so anxious for tomorrow's procedure. I can't wait to find out how many eggs we get. But I am getting VERY nervous this time. Last cycle, I was excited and just looked forward to hearing about my bizillion eggs. I had no idea that he wouldn't be able to access my right ovary (you know, the one FULL of follies). But this time we are prepared and just hoping for ANYTHING.
Saying my prayers!!
Saying my prayers!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Ready, Set...
Here we go! I just took my last dose of Follistim. I take my trigger shot at 9:45 tonight. I will have one last check tomorrow morning, and then surgery is at 9:45 Friday morning!! I am bloated beyond imagination and have gained a bit of weight in the past few days. So - I know I am a little overstimulated. But, we expected this. Thankfully I am off work for the rest of this week. I am drinking plenty of fluids and dreaming of babies!!
Wish us luck.
Wish us luck.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I saw Dr Pabon again today for another round of bloodwork and an ultrasound. He is telling me that any sane doctor would have triggered me yesterday and done the retrieval on Wednesday. BUT, he knows me and knows that he wants as many mature eggs from the left ovary as possible to avoid going through my uterus if possible. He planned to trigger me tonight. BUT...he is playing with fire and letting me go yet another day!! So, I will be back for a check first thing in the morning again and we will plan for a Friday surgery. I am expecting a MAJOR amount of bloating and we are all praying that I don't hyperstimulate! The hormone levels are great and the follies are a growing. I am done working for the week as my boss is headed to California. Perfect timing!! My feet are up and I am vegged out on the couch. Life is good.
Monday, November 9, 2009
still multiplying
I had another ultrasound and some more bloodwork today. There was a medical student in the office and I actually appreciated hearing the overview of 'my case' being presented by Dr Pabon. I am a confirmed mess. :) But all is going well. I have plenty of follicles! He wants to take a chance and push me a little further along to have more mature follicles on the left side. My right ovary is completely hidden behind the uterus. Not cool! So we will try to avoid hyperstimulation syndrome. And I have another ultrasound again tomorrow morning!!! Stay tuned...
Friday, November 6, 2009
Looking good.
All is well! I had bloodwork and another ultrasound (follie check) today. I have lots of them in there! They are growing nicely on both sides. I keep up the Follistim 200iu and Lupron 20, through the weekend. Next check is on Monday morning and he is estimating retrieval on Wednesday or Thursday. We are excited and ready to do this again.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Oh my.
I have a heavy sadness tonight. Can we say 'depression'? I don't know if it's the Lupron? Or just the fact that we have to endure this crap. I would give ANYTHING to be a mommy. I know I am not alone. But I feel deep in the pits of sadness, and I feel that noone could possibly understand.
Looking good
So far - so good. Second estradiol level was 'good'. And I didn't ask what the # was. It's easier to just go with 'good'! I am on track and keeping up with the Lupron 20 for the next three nights and Follistim goes down to 250. My next ultrasound/follie check and bloodwork will be Friday, another Monday. And then possible retrieval surgery days are next Wed/Thur/Fri!!
It's going by SO FAST!
It's going by SO FAST!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Feeling selfish.
Babies, babies, everywhere!! It seems there are pregnant women and babies surrounding me these days. And I am OKAY with that. It seems to be an inspiration and I would like their bellies to send me some good baby vibes!!
Today I was chatting with my boss about the IVF cycle. And we discussed in depth, the multiple challenges we have in the fertility department. And it was the FIRST time I have felt that this really is my last shot at bliss. I know we can try a donor cycle and we can adopt. But this feels like my last chance to make some of our very own embryos. It may sound selfish to want my very own mix of Peter and my DNA. And I know I would be MADLY in love with an adopted baby or an adopted embryo. But for now, this is what I want.
Today I was chatting with my boss about the IVF cycle. And we discussed in depth, the multiple challenges we have in the fertility department. And it was the FIRST time I have felt that this really is my last shot at bliss. I know we can try a donor cycle and we can adopt. But this feels like my last chance to make some of our very own embryos. It may sound selfish to want my very own mix of Peter and my DNA. And I know I would be MADLY in love with an adopted baby or an adopted embryo. But for now, this is what I want.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Falling back!
I did the Follistim and Lupron injections at 8PM last night. I am supposed to do these at the same time every night (every 24 hours). And at 7PM tonight - I looked at the clock on the wall that hadn't been changed off of Daylight Savings Time. I saw that it said 8:00 and then it hit me!! My gosh - we needed to switch to 7PM shots or we would be off an hour. Duh.
I had another BIG dose of Follistim and a double dose of Lupron. My bruises are adding up already. But we are in good spirits and still smiling.
We had chinese food for dinner tonight.
Pete's fortune = A dream you have will come true.
Ann's fortune = You will get what your heart desires.
I had another BIG dose of Follistim and a double dose of Lupron. My bruises are adding up already. But we are in good spirits and still smiling.
We had chinese food for dinner tonight.
Pete's fortune = A dream you have will come true.
Ann's fortune = You will get what your heart desires.
And we're off...
I started my injections last night - in my Tim Tebow costume! :) They were much bigger doses than I used last cycle. I indulged in some wine at a party last night, and now I am done. I am focused. And I can't wait to breeze through and watch these follies grow!
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