Sunday, February 7, 2021


So here we are at home. Quarantined for two weeks! The kids are all three in the same classroom this year. They had an exposure to COVID in the classroom and now we are at home for 14 days. All of us can happily report that we have remained healthy! So, we will test our school at home skills once again. YIKES! The good thing is, as a family with triplets, we have a group to work together and we don’t have to deal with the isolation that some other students would have in this situation. We have tried putting our kids in separate classes some years and we have kept them together some years throughout elementary. Both situations have worked for us. And our kids really seem to thrive no matter what. They love to be at school with other kids. It has been fun and fairly easy for them to meet different friends. Some easier than others. But, we have been blessed to have moved to a new school, in a new state without feeling like we have turned their world of friendships completely upside down this year. Part of this is due to their ability to keep in touch with friends from everywhere online. We are definitely living in a “connected” world. Whether good or bad. The ability for staying in touch on the internet has been a blessing for us this year! Our kids can Facetime and play games online with friends from all over. Can you imagine growing up like this? I had to make a long distance phone call to talk to most of my friends back in the day. Anyway, we are getting through this together. And as usual, we are looking for silver linings! One of those being that our kids are going to be able to stay up and watch the whole Super Bowl tonight. And they can sleep a tiny bit later in the morning. Go Bucs!!

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