Sunday, June 6, 2010

the waiting game

My contractions continue. We found out my monitor strip is running all over the hospital and this morning it stirred up some chaos when the OR saw the nonstop waves. So they called in extra staff!! But, still no change here. Lot's of cramps and contractions, but NO BABIES!


Lisa said...

Way to bake those triplets! Best of luck to you!!

ASP said...

Your updates have me on my toes! I'm so super impressed that you've got those bebes still baking! They're going to be the healthiest triplets EVER!

BARBIE said...

Man, and 32 weeks tomorrow! You've almost got me beat! I'm so happy you guys have made it this far, you're babies are so lucky to have a mommy that does what's best for them and is hanging in there despite the ridiculous discomfort (I certainly admit to thoughts of jumping jacks toward the end). Hang in there, you'll be holding precious little babies before you know it!!
