Saturday, June 12, 2010


Our littlest man Thomas.


BARBIE said...

OHMAGOODNESS! I can NOT believe you delivered 4 days ago and I am just now reading this! My MIL was here all week and my husband and son both had birthdays this week so I haven't been on the computer at all- what a shocker when I got on tonight! I am so so so so sooooo over the moon happy for you guys. I bet you're already feeling better, huh? Just being able to get up and move around despite the pain has to make a world of difference.

Your babies are absolutely gorgeous, and they look so big and healthy! What are their weights? I love the pictures of you holding them! How fantastic, they must be doing great. Keep loving on those beautiful babies and get some rest. Having babies in the NICU is a mixed blessing. It sucks having to leave and not bring your babies home with you but it's wonderful to have a couple of weeks to fully recover before the poop hits the fan and you have three babies to run around and take care of 24 hours a day. These days until they come home from the hospital will be that last you'll get any decent sleep for a looooong time so enjoy it :)

Continued prayers for your beautiful family of 5!!! And keep the pictures coming, I love it!

Anonymous said...

Ann and Peter - WOW - just beautiful! Thomas is perfect, just like his brother and sister! You did a great job Ann! You look absolutely amazing Ann!

Love to you and yours,
