Wednesday, March 24, 2010


The appointment went 'okay' today. Actually I think it was great. But, I have a BAD case of mommy nerves!! We had a different ultrasound tech today and she was VERY stabby and wasn't able to get us any recognizable great pix. Which is fine. She got all of her measurements and they weighed the babies. Tyler is now way, way, way up high under my ribs and weighs 15 ounces. Thomas and Reagan are both 12 ounces. I read that the average weight is 12-15 ounces this week. So all should be good right? But I can't stop wondering why they are SO different? I asked the doctor and he just shrugged and said babies sometimes grow at different rates and we will just watch it. But this still doesn't settle my nerves! Oh well. They are kicking and thriving and I know I shouldn't worry. I guess(BIG = Healthy)in my mind. Deep breaths...

And then we wandered over to the NICU for our tour with the director. She was AWESOME! She took us right in and let us see the equipment and the rooms. I spent time in a NICU in nursing school doing an internship and it was one giant room full of babies. But this was a whole new concept. Each baby has it's own room! Like a little ICU with glass doors. The family has a storage closet in their room and reclining chairs and the whole works. However, they have to graduate out of the initial more critical room first and will most likely be separated from each other at the beginning. And the multiples room is really geared for twins. But the nurses said they will try to plan a way to get all of our babies close together. We were told the babies will stay until very close to their due date. And a delivery around 32-34 weeks is our goal. So we will be spending a LOT of time in the NICU!

Seeing those LITTLE tiny babies just made me more concerned about my babies weights. So daddy is working really hard on cheering me up and telling me how Tyler is just an over-acheiver and a chunky little monkey! Obviously the doctor wasn't concerned, he says we will look at their hearts in two weeks and wait a month to recheck weights. This mommy business is keeping me on pins and needles already!!!

I had the radio on a country station this morning and all three babies were kicking away. So, daddy is very happy that we may have taught them to like country music at a very early age. Too funny.

Highlight of the day... A long overdue pedicure! It was heavenly.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like it went GREAT! Stop worrying and enjoy, those babies are doing great :)

Angela said...

OK, girlfriend.....RELAX! Those are great weights and not a big difference. They only get worried when you see several pounds differently! My girlfriend had a 3lb, 4lb and 5pounder! I do understand your concerns and am not trying to negate them...But I think that was a great appointment! BREATHE>>>>>AHHHH!!!!

Jill and Mike said...

I wouldn't worry about the different weights. I had a chunky monkey too thru out the pregnancy (and he continues to be bigger than the other two). I made it to almost 36 weeks, and I came home with my babies. Try not to stress over the things you can't control.

Keep up the good work!!

Our life in pictures said...

Even think about twins that are born...they're not uncommonly ounces off from each's only 2 like 2lbs 2oz, 2lbs 4oz...doesn't sound as bad then....

E. Merritt said...

I don't know if it will help any, but we had weight measurements every two weeks and the boys NEVER weighed the same. We did have one that was IGUR (growth restricted), but he was noticeably proportionally smaller from the beginning. You have nothing to worry about. They are three babies growing at their own rate.

The Wheatley Family said...

Thanks guys! I have turned into this incredible worrier! And I was really excited when they all weighed exactly 6 ounces at the same time. So was shocked to hear the change for some reason. On a good note, they are dancing away in here tonight. :)
