Monday, March 29, 2010

Triplet 'stuff'

We have either splurged, registered or had dreams of a few baby items that will hopefully offer a helping hand to us with the triplets. I had to share a few of them.

First of all we bought three wubbanubs thinking they may help if the babies are paci-lovers. We have the duck, the monkey and a puppy. They can be held by the baby, tucked in a swaddled blanket or easily found in the crib at night. Totally washing machine washable. And CUTE! We bought one at the Learning Express and the other two I ordered online (quite a bit cheaper)!

I registered for the podee hands free bottles. How helpful do they look for feeding three?! Cool.

We are getting a hand me down peg perego for triplets. I can't wait to take them on their first walk!

We are also getting a hand me down twin baby carrier of some sort. I think this could be helpful. I know there is a triplet version out there somewhere too. I hear it helps to free up hands with fussy babies! We'll see.

And when they are older we will look into the Step 2 wagons. They look great for our trips to the farmers market, the zoo or even walks. How cute!


jenicini said...

What fun stuff! That bottle is awesome!

Mary Dunbar said...

My triplets are 2 and we have had all of those things!!! Wubanubs - we actually have 9 of them! LOL My trio didnt really get into them until they were about a year old, they were too heavy with the stuffed animal before then. The Podee bottles were pretty handy at times BUT babies have to suck REALLY hard to get the formula out so again they were older. Then once they were old enough to suck hard enough to use them, they would crab the cord and pull on it. =/ We have a 2009 Peg perego and love it. We also have a choo choo and use that almost always. As far as I know, they are not selling the choo choo anymore so if you see one at a consignment sale snatch it up!!!! Great choices mommy and daddy!!

E. Merritt said...

We have all of these things, except for the double baby carrier. We even have the exact same wubbanubs. I'm sending you a message right now about peg perego car seats.

"The Mrs." said...

I know you said it was a hand me down but do you know where the twin baby carrier was purchased? I am pregnant with twins, I think this would be REALLY helpful! :)

Anonymous said...

Those bottles are great- especially if they need one in the car and you're driving. I don't think you want to carry three babies on your body ! One for you - two for Peter ! ? My grandson Brogi goes to bed with 6 pacifiers ! Stay well - thinkin' of you. Louise

BARBIE said...

Awesome list. The Podee's are my new best friend. Bear in mind that they won't work for a while though... the babies have to learn how to suck swallow breath really well before they can keep the nipple in their mouths on their own- otherwise they just constantly pop out. Ours just started really being able to use them last week (6-7 weeks old). I also just ordered the maximom triplet carrier, I'll let you know if it's worth it once it arrives! The twin one might be enough though. You can always hold the third and still have one free hand if things get ugly and they are all fussy at once. Love the choo choo wagon but man are they expensive and discontinued so difficult to find.

Hope you're feeling well!

X.Christensen said...

Who needs a triplet carrier? I'll make you a velcro jacket, and some velcro onesies.. you could just stick 'em on. ;)

The Wheatley Family said...

Emily - check out maximom online. I am not really sure where she got this one. But I found them online! I had no clue the choo choo wagon was discontinued!! I will be on the hunt now!!!!

Our life in pictures said...

I saw some of the choo choo wagons on ebay, but they're spendy!!!!! You can also buy a wagon and leave the top down so they don't sit on the seats....guess you couldn't buckle them though....maybe you could use some twine and belt them in :)duct tape???? :)

Jill and Mike said...

Step2 is bringing back the choo choo wagon - so either the used ones on ebay will come down in price and/or the new ones will be available!! Also check craigslist.
The podees were a lifesaver for me. My trio wasn't able to use them until they hit about 4-5 months old.

Amber said...

Great list of stuff, we also have the choo choo wagon and the kids love it. They said it is coming back in the fall. It was totally worth getting it.
