I am able to read your blog now. I was so upset to see you go. It's so unfortunate that people were treating you terribly when this is such a happy and joyous time. I wish you and your family all the best. Looking forward to following your journey.
Thanks everybody! I am loving the feedback. I drastically changed everything at once making the blog private AND moderating the comments. But was hearing a buzz of people that didn't get an invite that I clearly wish had permission to read!! So - I made it public again, but comments won't post without my approval now! It makes me feel a bit better. Let's try to stay positive and get this journey on the road!! :) Thanks to you all for the love and support!!!!
I wasn't invited, but somehow I got in. i don't know if you made it private yet, but I just got in by typing your old blog address. My daughter is married to Louise Amaral's son and she suggested i would enjoy following your blog. I do enjoy it!! I wish you the best. Babies are such a blessing and you have been blessed by being chosen to be parents to 3 at once! Even though I don't know you, I wish you support through what will be a tough pregnancy, but I have confidence it will go well and you will be blessed with 3 beautiful babies. Thanks for letting me part of your experience! Barb Fulton
I got the invitation in my email and accepted it this morning so I am able to read your blog :)
got it! :)
Got it, Many thanks.
Yep, and good job....hang in there!
I'm in ! Had to get a new password. Looking forward to following your incredible preganancy. Stay well. Louise
I'm in too!!
We're in! =) - Trent & Michelle
Yes, I got your email and can read your blog. Can't wait to hear how your Doctor appointment goes next week.
Got it....thanks!
We are in - Lois & Greg
Thanks for including me :)
I'm in - thanks so much!
I just got my computer up and running in UK mode. I'm glad you found a way to keep sharing. Mom
I was wondering how I was going to email you to ask for an invite! So happy you have everything figured out! Nice belly shot! ;)
I am able to read your blog now. I was so upset to see you go. It's so unfortunate that people were treating you terribly when this is such a happy and joyous time. I wish you and your family all the best. Looking forward to following your journey.
A - I didn't get an email or anything, but it let me in (obviously). :) jenniper at hotmail dot com
I didn't get an invite but I can read your blog!! I followed you on MoM!!! All the best with your pregnancy!!!!
Thanks everybody! I am loving the feedback. I drastically changed everything at once making the blog private AND moderating the comments. But was hearing a buzz of people that didn't get an invite that I clearly wish had permission to read!! So - I made it public again, but comments won't post without my approval now! It makes me feel a bit better. Let's try to stay positive and get this journey on the road!! :) Thanks to you all for the love and support!!!!
I wasn't invited, but somehow I got in. i don't know if you made it private yet, but I just got in by typing your old blog address. My daughter is married to Louise Amaral's son and she suggested i would enjoy following your blog. I do enjoy it!! I wish you the best. Babies are such a blessing and you have been blessed by being chosen to be parents to 3 at once! Even though I don't know you, I wish you support through what will be a tough pregnancy, but I have confidence it will go well and you will be blessed with 3 beautiful babies. Thanks for letting me part of your experience! Barb Fulton
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