Thursday, December 2, 2010

December already!

We are continuing to enjoy our adventures in triplet-hood. The babies are definitely learning new tricks every day! They are on the move, rolling and scooting around but still a ways from crawling and sitting up. We still have lots of puke to clean up, but we have doubled our need for spit up rags and old t-shirts due to the DROOL! OMG! They are all three chewing on everything and working on those gums in hopes of breaking out a tooth or two someday!

We packed up the troops and took a road trip to Grandma Linda's in Fort Myers last week. The babies got to meet Santa! And I was impressed that Santa's lap had room for all three! We crawled back in the car for a trip to Miami to spend Thanksgiving with Aunt Laura, Uncle Jeff and Cousin Colton. Colton is a month older and had all kinds of 'skills' that our kids were envious of. He is good at sitting, scooting around in his walker and grabbing anything and everything. But never fear...our three taught Colton how to SCREAM and be heard. Aunt Laura is SO THANKFUL for that. HA!!

The babies are going to be 6 months old in a few days. WOW. Time really does fly too quickly. They really seem to enjoy talking to each other, staring at each other and trying to pluck each others eyes out. It is amazing to watch them interact.

Tyler is still the big boy. He is a chatterbox and is very loud these days. He cracks himself up and really enjoys talking to Handy Manny on the Disney Channel in the morning. He is our most snuggly baby and sneaks into mommy and daddy's bed really early some mornings as we try to keep his chatting from waking up the other kids!

Thomas is much happier lately and is so fun to listen to as he coos and giggles. He is a BIG eater and will take at least five 8 oz bottles, a jar of fruits and veggies and a helping of rice cereal or oatmeal twice a day. And he would eat more than that if we offered it to him. He loves the excersaucer and jumpers and will bat at all the fun toys and buttons and giggle the whole time!

Reagan is little miss HAPPY! She smiles more that any baby I have ever known. She loves to squeal and reacts to everyone that looks her way. She is very strong and loves to roll and stand on our laps. She rarely is still and has a ton of energy. When she is upset she has a very dramatic cry with instant tears that just break your heart! Thankfully, it's a rare sight!

We are anxious about our first airplane flight next week. We are going to Kentucky to see Peter's family. Colton will be with us also, so we will shock people with our 5 Adults and 4 Babies. I am getting a little lightheaded just thinking about it really. I will let you all know how it goes! PRAY FOR US!! :)

The Christmas decorations are up and we enjoy looking at the pretty lights. I can't imagine how we will keep everything contained next Christmas. It's about time to invest in baby gates galore! It's going to be fun with new challenges meeting us every day. What a crazy life we lead!!!!

1 comment:

Belinda said...

BUT IT'S SO FUN TO READ ABOUT!!! Don't you just LOVE it???! Motherhood???? You are doing an amazing job just as I always knew you would. Hope by now you got our Christmas card. Thinking of you and your first Christmas with your three adorable gems! God Bless!
