Friday, May 14, 2010

shit hit the fan!

Where to start!? I had not been feeling well and lost some weight through some lovely digestive means on Wednesday night. So after a chat with the doctor's office, we were instructed to head to the hospital for some IV fluids in the triage room. No biggee right? On the way there I noticed some contractions, one after another, after another. Ugh. So we arrive and get checked in and the nurse asks if I am having any contractions. And well, I had 4 in the truck and 2 before she gave me my gown at the hospital. Still no pain, and all tests were fine. Until we saw the contractions coming one blip after another every 2 minutes or so. My cervix measured 2.7 cm on the ultrasound which is still long and strong! A manual cervix check told us that I was closed for business! And then the crap hit the fan. The nurse comes in quickly with a syringe of morphine and antinausea meds to try slow contractions. And after almost falling off the table from dizziness she did the ffn swab which tells us if the babies will likely be born in the next two weeks. I hear the nurse in the hall on the phone with a doctor discussing an admissions and we said oops, some poor lady is going to spend the night. HA HA. And then she came in the manually recheck my cervix and finds me at 1 cm. OH NO! And the next nurse walks in to tell us our FFN was POSITIVE! And the tears started flowing!

We were whisked down the hall to our new hospital room and bombarded with nurses starting IV's and catheters and the horrid MAGNESIUM drip. And suddenly I am feeling like I am going to DIE! I was in serious active labor from that moment on. They rechecked the cervix which was 3 cm only an hour after the last check. And I contracted and was sick all night long. It was AWFUL! And for some reason, I desatted and had O2 levels in the 80's. We were threatened with a transfer to the ICU. Put on lots of oxygen and I saw about 14 different doctors all througout the night. We fond out that they for sure assumed we were delivering by c section that night, but were holding off for water to break or 6-7 cm before going under the knife to give us plenty of opportunity to keep these kiddos in and growing. I had the mag drip, fluids, antibiotics, indocin, steroids to help push the maturity of the lungs, and the rhogam.

A neonatologist came in to prep us for the challenges expected with 28 week triplets and we signed one million consents. IT was HELL! I am sure the crying didn't help the hydration!!

But by a miracle of God, we are doing okay today. Contractions have stopped and no more dilation. I am probably here to stay for awhile in the hospital. Only time will tell. I am in a trial off the mag sulfate drip and doing well. So - we will see. And we will keep you posted!! The babies look unharmed, unphased and great on the ultrasound today. So - I will rest, stay in bed and let you all know what's up!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS AND SUPPORT!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ann,
You have been on my mind all day, in fact I chatted with mom on the face book page. The angels and positive thoughts are still going your way, and please know that we are holding you up in prayer. Keep those babies in the oven. Love, Louise

BARBIE said...

Wow, I'm so sorry to hear about all the drama the past 48 hours has brought your way but praise God that you are all doing well and hanging in there. I will continue to keep all 5 of you in my prayers and we'll be keeping our fingers, toes, legs, arms, and eyes crossed for at least another 4 weeks for those babies. I remember well the feeling of panic at 29 weeks as I went into labor and started seeing the contractions 2 minutes apart on the monitor and saw the panicked look on all the nurses faces. Try to relax and now that this is all in God's hands.

Oh and a positive fFn doesn't mean squat. All it means is that you are no longer guaranteed that you WON'T go into labor in the next two weeks but it doesn't mean that you WILL go into labor in the next two weeks. I carried 4 more weeks after my positive fFn.

Good luck!

Our life in pictures said...

UGH! Good to chat last night! Hope you continue to hang out there quietly! We'll be praying!

Kim said...

Stopped by from Multiples & More. I was on bedrest in the hospital with my twins from 27 weeks on (in active labor twice, and dilated 4 cm for 3 of the weeks). So it's possible to keep them in and growing!!! I will keep you in my prayers. Stay positive!

Jill and Mike said...

Hang in their girlie! Sorry it's been a rough 48 hours...glad to hear it's getting better yesterday.

Thinking of you and your babes!
