The Wheatley Family
Still in awe of our three miracles!!!
Sunday, February 7, 2021
So here we are at home. Quarantined for two weeks! The kids are all three in the same classroom this year. They had an exposure to COVID in the classroom and now we are at home for 14 days. All of us can happily report that we have remained healthy! So, we will test our school at home skills once again. YIKES! The good thing is, as a family with triplets, we have a group to work together and we don’t have to deal with the isolation that some other students would have in this situation. We have tried putting our kids in separate classes some years and we have kept them together some years throughout elementary. Both situations have worked for us. And our kids really seem to thrive no matter what. They love to be at school with other kids. It has been fun and fairly easy for them to meet different friends. Some easier than others. But, we have been blessed to have moved to a new school, in a new state without feeling like we have turned their world of friendships completely upside down this year. Part of this is due to their ability to keep in touch with friends from everywhere online. We are definitely living in a “connected” world. Whether good or bad. The ability for staying in touch on the internet has been a blessing for us this year! Our kids can Facetime and play games online with friends from all over. Can you imagine growing up like this? I had to make a long distance phone call to talk to most of my friends back in the day. Anyway, we are getting through this together. And as usual, we are looking for silver linings! One of those being that our kids are going to be able to stay up and watch the whole Super Bowl tonight. And they can sleep a tiny bit later in the morning. Go Bucs!!
Friday, February 5, 2021
We are BACK! 10 years later...
So, I haven't posted in TEN YEARS! That's right, it's been 10 years. I have attempted to start a couple of different blogs after our babies were born. But let's face it, I FAILED! We have been busy, life has changed immensely. And I am just now starting to feel like more than just a mom again. We have moved several times. The kids have lived in 6 houses since they were born. That is crazy, right? And just this past summer we finally made our return to Florida. And we are here to STAY. It has been an adventure for sure. But, we are back where we belong.
Along the way, my husband suffered three strokes from an undiagnosed condition. And I am happy to report that it is just a distant memory for us now. Most people would not even notice anything has ever happened. We have been through some stuff for sure! But truly, life is good. We sat at home during this pandemic in the spring and made a huge decision about our lives. Life is short! We want to be in the sunshine. We want to be where our kids can swim and fish and be near the water. We knew it was time to live closer to my parents again. We needed to be where our son can swim every day. And my husband wanted to be back "home". Leaving the rest of the family in Kentucky was a hard choice. But, we knew we can always fly and drive back to visit often!
We sold our big beautiful house in Kentucky. The house that we built to raise our kids in. It was a good one! But, it was just a house. And we bought a small, older home with a small yard and a pool in Southwest Florida. And we haven't regretted a thing about it!! This financially was a great change for us. There is less indoor "stuff" to worry about. And there is so much potential to fix up this little house. We absolutely love it.
My parents moved off of the beach and closer to us a couple of months ago. It has been nice having them so close. We are able to help them out and they are able to help us with the kids also. My inlaws wish they could be down here to see us all more often. But COVID has just wrecked all of the best plans. I pray that our lives all return to some normalcy again soon. But, I know that is what everyone hopes for.
Now that we have given you a ten year update. Let's look at these big kids! 10 year olds. WOW.
1o year olds,
Cape Coral,
Cape Coral, FL, USA
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Comparing life to last year!
The babies will be 10 months this week. I can't believe how busy and active these three munchkins have become this month. All three crawl as fast as lightning. And they pull themselves up to the coffee tables and their crib rails. Babyproofing has kicked into high gear this past week. We have less and less furniture and decor every day. It's so much fun around here though! I am always thinking back to last year. I was busy with bedrest and baby showers and only a month from being in the hospital. What a crazy year!
Friday, March 18, 2011
9 months
Hi again! We are still alive. And our world is VERY BUSY! Just wanted to check back with the blog world. The babies are 9 months old. They are crawling and trying to stand and keeping us running in circles. It's so much fun and so much work. I can't even compare life to how things were before our babies were here. Thank you for following along with our family!!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
December already!
We are continuing to enjoy our adventures in triplet-hood. The babies are definitely learning new tricks every day! They are on the move, rolling and scooting around but still a ways from crawling and sitting up. We still have lots of puke to clean up, but we have doubled our need for spit up rags and old t-shirts due to the DROOL! OMG! They are all three chewing on everything and working on those gums in hopes of breaking out a tooth or two someday!
We packed up the troops and took a road trip to Grandma Linda's in Fort Myers last week. The babies got to meet Santa! And I was impressed that Santa's lap had room for all three! We crawled back in the car for a trip to Miami to spend Thanksgiving with Aunt Laura, Uncle Jeff and Cousin Colton. Colton is a month older and had all kinds of 'skills' that our kids were envious of. He is good at sitting, scooting around in his walker and grabbing anything and everything. But never fear...our three taught Colton how to SCREAM and be heard. Aunt Laura is SO THANKFUL for that. HA!!
The babies are going to be 6 months old in a few days. WOW. Time really does fly too quickly. They really seem to enjoy talking to each other, staring at each other and trying to pluck each others eyes out. It is amazing to watch them interact.
Tyler is still the big boy. He is a chatterbox and is very loud these days. He cracks himself up and really enjoys talking to Handy Manny on the Disney Channel in the morning. He is our most snuggly baby and sneaks into mommy and daddy's bed really early some mornings as we try to keep his chatting from waking up the other kids!
Thomas is much happier lately and is so fun to listen to as he coos and giggles. He is a BIG eater and will take at least five 8 oz bottles, a jar of fruits and veggies and a helping of rice cereal or oatmeal twice a day. And he would eat more than that if we offered it to him. He loves the excersaucer and jumpers and will bat at all the fun toys and buttons and giggle the whole time!
Reagan is little miss HAPPY! She smiles more that any baby I have ever known. She loves to squeal and reacts to everyone that looks her way. She is very strong and loves to roll and stand on our laps. She rarely is still and has a ton of energy. When she is upset she has a very dramatic cry with instant tears that just break your heart! Thankfully, it's a rare sight!
We are anxious about our first airplane flight next week. We are going to Kentucky to see Peter's family. Colton will be with us also, so we will shock people with our 5 Adults and 4 Babies. I am getting a little lightheaded just thinking about it really. I will let you all know how it goes! PRAY FOR US!! :)
The Christmas decorations are up and we enjoy looking at the pretty lights. I can't imagine how we will keep everything contained next Christmas. It's about time to invest in baby gates galore! It's going to be fun with new challenges meeting us every day. What a crazy life we lead!!!!
We packed up the troops and took a road trip to Grandma Linda's in Fort Myers last week. The babies got to meet Santa! And I was impressed that Santa's lap had room for all three! We crawled back in the car for a trip to Miami to spend Thanksgiving with Aunt Laura, Uncle Jeff and Cousin Colton. Colton is a month older and had all kinds of 'skills' that our kids were envious of. He is good at sitting, scooting around in his walker and grabbing anything and everything. But never fear...our three taught Colton how to SCREAM and be heard. Aunt Laura is SO THANKFUL for that. HA!!
The babies are going to be 6 months old in a few days. WOW. Time really does fly too quickly. They really seem to enjoy talking to each other, staring at each other and trying to pluck each others eyes out. It is amazing to watch them interact.
Tyler is still the big boy. He is a chatterbox and is very loud these days. He cracks himself up and really enjoys talking to Handy Manny on the Disney Channel in the morning. He is our most snuggly baby and sneaks into mommy and daddy's bed really early some mornings as we try to keep his chatting from waking up the other kids!
Thomas is much happier lately and is so fun to listen to as he coos and giggles. He is a BIG eater and will take at least five 8 oz bottles, a jar of fruits and veggies and a helping of rice cereal or oatmeal twice a day. And he would eat more than that if we offered it to him. He loves the excersaucer and jumpers and will bat at all the fun toys and buttons and giggle the whole time!
Reagan is little miss HAPPY! She smiles more that any baby I have ever known. She loves to squeal and reacts to everyone that looks her way. She is very strong and loves to roll and stand on our laps. She rarely is still and has a ton of energy. When she is upset she has a very dramatic cry with instant tears that just break your heart! Thankfully, it's a rare sight!
We are anxious about our first airplane flight next week. We are going to Kentucky to see Peter's family. Colton will be with us also, so we will shock people with our 5 Adults and 4 Babies. I am getting a little lightheaded just thinking about it really. I will let you all know how it goes! PRAY FOR US!! :)
The Christmas decorations are up and we enjoy looking at the pretty lights. I can't imagine how we will keep everything contained next Christmas. It's about time to invest in baby gates galore! It's going to be fun with new challenges meeting us every day. What a crazy life we lead!!!!
Monday, November 29, 2010

Merry Montage Christmas
Make a statement with Shutterfly Christmas photo cards.
View the entire collection of cards.
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