I've had some emails asking why we want triplets. And I definitely need to clarify that!!
We put in two embryos last time and did not have any babies as a result. That was all we had to work with during that cycle. So it made the choice very easy! It was devastating after all of the time, emotions and money spent to end up with nothing but a broken heart!
This cycle we had three very healthy embryos to choose from in the group of six...and so we put in three embryos this time to increase our chance of having one baby. This is the reason for the lengthy discussion and final decision with the doctor(that knows my body),and the embryologist(that knows our little embryos). So, yes there is a chance of all three burrowing into my uterus and growing. But it's a low chance. And now we have a good chance of getting pregnant with at least one baby instead of none!
So - no prayers for triplets please. We are just praying for a baby to bless our lives!!
Frosties = frozen embryos (Two of the three remaining embryos that were not implanted have developed a little further along and survived until yesterday. We were happy to hear that they were frozen for possible use in the future if our fresh cycle is another failure - or if we want another child someday.)